2012 OAAS Service Award: Howard & Jean Maw

Howard and Jean Maw
MAS President John Scott presents Jean & Howard Maw with the OAAS Service Award

Moore Agricultural Society is proud to honour Jean and Howard Maw with the Ontario Societies 2012 Agricultural Service Award.

What amazing memories the Maws have of being involved with the best fair – Brigden Fair.

The Ladies Division

Jean joined the Ladies Division in 1958, the year the ladies organized with its own slate of officers. Howard assisted the men with constructions, post-holes, and working at the gates. He was involved in building the Jr. Fair Building. Recently, he has often been in the field so other family members could be at the fair.

Many changes have occurred, in the last 54 years like from a Class B to A fair, from a one day to four day fair, from Erma’s Tea Room to the present Homecraft Ladies Kitchen. In the corner of the Administration Building we sold homemade cookies, homemade fudge, tea and coffee with sand floors and lots of dust. Jean remembers cooking a turkey for a Threshermen’s Banquet and it was not totally cooked, it never happened twice.

Often the ladies organized and decorated a float and oh what fun they had. The ladies wore blue jackets, hats and gold skirts or slacks for the parade. They thought they were quite debonair.

Many Generations

Jean worked with Arts & Crafts for many years. She was also the secretary-treasurer of the Ladies Division from 1978-1982. When an educational grant was received, she was asked to help in the Jr. Fair Building looking after projects and displays. Seeing a need for more entries she also started showing in this area. The competition was fun for many especially Bob McGee and Don Young. Howard assisted with the many displays located in this building. Three generations of the Maw family are called upon annually to make the surroundings attractive.

If you wanted a home-cooked turkey dinner, Jackie’s kitchen was the spot. Jean went into the diner to discuss a matter with Jackie and was asked if she could wipe off some tables. Guess what – Jean was there cooking, stuffing turkeys and making pies, even her daughter-in-law and grandchildren joined her to help. Many days of fun and laughter were enjoyed in the diner as they all worked together.

Jean remembers many a foggy drive to Brigden when judging used to be done at 6:30 a.m. the day of the fair.

Their greatest pride is the fact that their family has been involved in the fair recently. Often Jean wheeled a cart with a grandchild inside and perhaps another following along behind during fair preparations. The Maw family all love the excitement and are still dedicated volunteers.

Jean and Howard have made many friends over the years have enjoyed being volunteers and wish the Moore Agricultural Society success in the next 54 years.

The Board of Directors of the Moore Agricultural Society is proud to nominate Jean and Howard Maw as recipients of the 2012 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Award. This couple have been a great asset in the promotion of agriculture and dedicated in the support of the Moore Agricultural Society.