August 2021 Newsletter Available

Following the guidelines outlined by the Federal and Provincial Governments, the Moore Agricultural Society is planning a gradual reopening of the Brigden Fairgrounds in August.

Previous articles have kept you informed of the activities that have taken place throughout the pandemic, but most of these have been with the objective of sustaining the buildings and grounds that are paramount to the success of the Brigden Fair.

Now it is time to start having some fun. To this end the events committee has arranged a double feature drive-in movie night on August 27th. This is only the beginning, as other groups meet regularly to discuss their plans for some of our old favourite events and for new and exciting ones.

The Board of Directors was sorry to once more have to postpone the 2021 Fair. But make sure to keep your hat close by, so you can celebrate “HATS OFF TO BRIGDEN FAIR” in 2022. See you at the Fair.

Malcolm Rogers. President.
Moore Agricultural Society.
Home of the Brigden Fair.

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